It can be so easy to compartmentalise our lives as Christians on a Sunday from what we spend most of our weeks doing – working. Whatever your job, we want to help you understand the Bible and apply it to your working week. If you’d like to hear more about what’s going on for workers at Euston Church, email Sam or Fran: |

  • Bible studies

    We’d love all the workers at Euston Church to be part of a small group where they can read God’s word and pray together. Click below to find out more.

  • Lunchtime Talks

    Lunchtime bible talks are held across the city. We aim to make Jesus known to our friends and colleagues and to encourage one another to keep living for Jesus at work. Click the button below to find your nearest lunchtime talk.

    We also currently run a prayer meeting on Wednesday lunchtimes (1.10-1.45pm) for those working in the Euston area. Email Sam or Fran for more information.

  • Weekends Away

    It's hard to find time in busy London life to get to know church family, spend quality time together and grow together in our relationship with God. That's where our weekends away come in. We run these a couple of times a year for workers and families. Not to be missed!

    Next date: 27-29 June

Profession Groups

If you’d like to join to a WhatsApp group with others in your line of work to support each other in being Christians in the workplace, please click one of the links below.