Welcome to Euston Students! Students from universities across London make up our church community. We would love to welcome you, help you get to know Jesus and for you to be involved at Euston. To find out more why not come along to an event, sign up using the link below or email Jack or Elizabeth: jack.ogrady@eustonchurch.com | elizabeth@eustonchurch.com
Hope to see you soon!
Upcoming Events
Sunday at 5pm
We meet each Sunday at 5pm to hear from God's word, pray and sing. We then have dinner together after, which is a great opportunity to get to know each other better and build friendships.
On several Sundays each term we also have student supper seminars helping us to think through topics such as how to share the gospel with friends, The New Creation and personal walk with the Lord.
Most Sundays there is the chance to hear the sermon in Mandarin.
Midweek Bible Studies Tuesday / Wednesday at 7pm
We eat together and then break into smaller groups of students to read God’s word, discuss what we’ve read and pray together. This is a great opportunity to dig deeper into what God has to say to us. This year we’ll be studying Exodus together.