Safeguarding Policies

At Euston Church we follow the Church of England Safeguarding Policy, which can be found below:

If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult, or the care that is being provided; or if you need to talk to someone about something in our church that isn't right or has upset you, please contact the CSOs on:

Or use their individual email addresses below:

Church Safeguarding Officers (CSOs)

Elizabeth King

Brandon Wong

Sam Wells

Laura Murdoch (Children’s Champion)

In accordance with the Church of England Safeguarding Policy our church is committed to:

  • Promoting a safer environment and culture.

  • Safely recruiting and supporting all those with responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults.

  • Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation.

  • Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons.

  • Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons.

  • Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others.

If you would prefer to report a concern or seek advice outside of Euston Church and the Diocese of London, then please contact: