We want our children to know Jesus and to live as God’s children in the world, now and for the rest of their lives.

At Euston Church we think it’s the job of the whole church to tell the next generation about our mighty God and the wonders he’s done. But we especially want to partner with parents, to help them to be confident to speak of Jesus in everyday life.

We want to support you as a family by teaching God’s word week by week and by equipping parents to lead their children in following Jesus.

Sunday Club runs during the 11am and 3pm services. Our children’s leaders would love to meet you and your kids so that together we can help them get to know God for themselves.

For more info about our children’s teaching programme email Sam on: sam@eustonchurch.com

Mums’ Bible Study

If you're at home with your kids during the week, we run a mums’ bible study group which meets to read the bible and pray together. Email Fran on: fran@eustonchurch.com

Euston Tots

Most Wednesdays we run a Euston Tots group where parents can come with their kids to play. For more details, email Fran on: fran@eustonchurch.com


In addition to our weekly families programme, we run occasional parenting and marriage seminars as we seek to think biblically about our families and the particular responsibilities God has given us.


If you’re thinking about getting married or would benefit from talking to another Christian about your marriage, please get in touch with a senior small group leader or email Kev on kev@eustonchurch.com. Also, if you are engaged, we would love to connect you to resources like a Marriage Prep course.

We take safeguarding very seriously, and want to create safe places where all our church family can grow and flourish. Click here to view our detailed safeguarding policies or email: safeguarding@eustonchurch.com.